About Us

Who we are
The Canadian Council for Aviation and Aerospace (CCAA) is dedicated to help industry attract and develop workers with the skills the Canadian aviation and aerospace industry needs to meet the demands of the current and future workplace.
We are your experts in labour market intelligence and the Gold Standard in upskilling, certification and accreditation
We focus on developing a workforce with the skills you need to succeed in a rapidly evolving technology environment
We build innovative strategies to raise the public profile of the industry, and to attract new workers and the funding needed to train them.
We are connective and bring industry, academia and government together to solve our sector’s workforce development challenges.
We are passionate about aviation and aerospace and the industry’s long term future at home and abroad.
We value diversity and strive to be inclusive of all Canadians.
Our values
Success of our Industry
Putting the success of the aviation and aerospace sector at the center of our mission.
As the voice of our sector on labour issues, we are passionate about ensuring the success of our industry by raising public awareness and attracting, skilling and certifying the next generation of skilled aero workers. We are equally passionate about improving passenger and worker safety through awareness, better training and comprehensive occupational standards.
Accuracy and Veracity
We are proud of the quality and usefulness of the information we publish and the skills training we do.
We put enormous energy into making certain that all the labour market information we collect, analyze and share is accurate, verifiable and useful. We are the Gold Standard of training, certification and accreditation for the Canadian aviation and aerospace industry.
Collaboration and Partnership
We choose collaboration, cooperation, and partnership over competition.
We realize the success of Canada’s aviation and aerospace industry is directly tied to collaborating, cooperating, and partnering with organizations inside, and outside, of the sector. That’s why we choose to listen and work with others to pool knowledge, expertise and resources in ways that yield practical and actionable solutions to the workforce development challenges of our industry.
Inclusion and Diversity
We have a responsibility towards under-represented groups.
We recognize the importance of aviation and aerospace to communities across the country and the immense value of further engaging women, Indigenous peoples and minority groups. We are committed to helping them discover a rewarding future in aviation and aerospace and how, by working in the industry, they can contribute to their communities and to Canada.
Stewards of your Trust
We are responsible stewards of the investment our partners make in us.
We appreciate the confidence and the trust our partners, associates and collaborators place in the CCAA by supporting its mission and its activities. We strive to be careful stewards of the knowledge, financial, and human investments they make in us.
Voice of the Industry
- The CCAA Is the voice of Canada’s aviation and aerospace sector on identifying labour market challenges and providing workforce development solutions.
- It assists companies with accessing government funding for training and certification of new/prospective employees.
- The Council works with various levels of governments on expanding workforce development and upskilling funding opportunities on behalf of the industry.
- The CCAA plays a leadership role in attracting new workers to the industry and strives to ensure that Canada has the capacity and programs needed to educate and train them.
Labour Market Intelligence
- The CCAA built, and continues to maintain, the first authoritative Labour Market Information (LMI) process in Canada.
- The process consolidates and standardizes current, accurate LMI for all sub-sectors of the aviation and aerospace industry.
- Is the trusted resource that government and Canada’s aviation and aerospace sector turn to for credible labour market intelligence and insights on training and workforce development.
Standards and Certification
- The CCAA aims to improve safety and reduce costs to industry through improved efficiency, production and quality.
- The Council offers more than 30 nationally recognized aviation and aerospace occupational standards and certifications that are transportable from region to region.
- Continues to improve and diversify its programs to meet industry demands for workers with the skillsets they need to succeed in an ever-changing technology landscape
Board of Directors
The Council’s Board of Directors, as well as its Committees, are made up of industry representatives who guide the CCAA in developing and promoting a comprehensive and effective skilled workforce strategy for the Canadian aviation and aerospace industry. The Directors and Committee members kindly volunteer their time to help CCAA achieve its goals.
- Mike Mueller President & CEO Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC)
- Wayne Gouveia Senior Vice President Air Transport Association of Canada (ATAC)
- Sylvain Séguin Vice President & Chief Operating Officer Canadian Helicopters
- Dennis Lyons Person Responsible for Maintenance Fast Air Ltd.
- Anthony Norejko President & CEO Canadian Business Aviation Association
- Trevor Mitchell President & CEO The Helicopter Association of Canada (HAC)
- Keith Aiken Air Transport Coordinator International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW)
- Neil Giroux Aerospace Coordinator International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW)
- Grant Stevens Vice President KF Aerospace
- Michel Richer Québec Coordinator International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) - District 11
- Nigel Louis Chair, Aircraft Maintenance, School of Skilled Trades and Technologies Red River Polytech
If you would like to learn more about the work of the CCAA’s Board of Directors and its various Commitees, please contact us.
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