CCAA will be presenting a live Virtual Workshop for Human Skills Training- Working Across Generations
Date: Two X 2 Hour sessions on February 14th & 16th, 2024 from 11:00am to 1:00pm (EST).
At no time in history have so many different generations with such different views, values, and approaches been asked to work together. Changes in life expectancy, health, lifestyle, technology, and knowledge have upended the linear nature of power and position in the workplace. This module explores generational characteristics, behaviours, and motivational differences, with the objective of discovering the opportunities and addressing the challenges in multi-generational workplace environments.
Successful completion of this course will enable the learner to:
- Identify historical events that have contributed to behavioural and motivational differences in each of the generations represented in the workplace.
- Compare the predominant work ethic characteristics and motivation of each of the workplace generations.
- Discuss how generational differences can be an asset in a workplace and can contribute to achieving organizational goals.
Price: $199.00 plus taxes ( Regular Price) $159.00 plus taxes ( CCAA Partner Price)
Contact: Sohini Famili, CCAA’s Manager of Skills Development & Partnership- 613-727-8272 ext. 232 or