Student Work Placement Program

The Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) is a joint initiative between the CCAA and Employment and Social Development Canada.
This program is funded by the Federal Government (Employment and Social Development Canada, ESDC) and the CCAA is the official delivery partner for the aviation and aerospace sector. The program helps post-secondary students get the experience they need to prepare for jobs in these high-demand fields. There is funding available for part-time and full-time students registered in programs other than STEM and business.
Work-Integrated Learning refers to a continuum of learning opportunities ranging from structured work experience to instances where the employer engages directly with the post-secondary education institution to address a particular challenge. It can include co-op placement, internships, field placements, or applied projects to solve particular problems for employers.
See list of approved types of work placements here.Work-integrated learning combines classroom learning and hands-on learning in a workplace. The Student Work Placement program helps post-secondary students get relevant work experience they need to prepare for jobs in high-demand fields.
Purpose of the program
Employment and Social Development Canada will support partnerships between employers and post-secondary education (PSE) institutions to create more work placements for students enrolled in post-secondary studies across Canada.
Students who participate in work placements are more likely to:
- benefit from higher earnings, more employment and more full-time employment;
- be employed in fields more closely related to their studies;
- develop technical and work-ready skills (for example, strategic thinking, problem solving and teamwork) sought after by employers.
Delivery of program
These SWPP employer delivery partners will provide wage subsidies to employers that offer quality student work placements and will also help establish partnerships with PSE institutions to recruit students for these placements.

Wage Subsidies through SWPP
Employers could receive wage subsidies of up to 70% of the wage cost for each work term placement (up to a maximum of $5,000 in general and $7,000 for underrepresented categories per placement).
eligibility criteria:
- Employers must be involved in the aviation/aerospace industry, i.e. directly as an aviation/aerospace organization or indirectly, as a supplier of goods and services for the aviation/aerospace industry.
- Complete and sign the Employer Form
- Provide a company description, including the business number and webpage.
- Provide proof of the student’s enrollment at a Canadian post-secondary education institution.
- Provide the student’s job description.
- Provide a working/learning plan for the student.
- Provide a signed copy of the student’s employment contract, which should include the student’s start and end dates, full details of wages and employment benefits, if applicable.
- Confirm that the wages for the placement are not funded by another federal program.
(Note that provincial, municipal or any other funds are acceptable. For organizations that receive partial funding from the federal government to support their operational costs, the latter cannot be used to pay for the students' salaries.)
Approval from CCAA must be obtained prior to the student's employment start date.
Tips/Important Notice:
- Ensure that your students then complete their online Student Form; note that the names and email addresses on the Employer and Student forms must match.
- You must have confirmed the placements with eligible student(s) before applying.
- If you are searching for students, join the online CCAA Job Matching service for the Aviation and Aerospace industry at Magnet. You can also partner with local PSE institutions, as they are an essential resource for finding students looking for work placements.
- If you are a PSE institution, you are encouraged to contact us to facilitate partnership opportunities with employers of all sizes. You can also reach out to local aviation and aerospace employers in your area.
How to Apply
- Employer completes the online Employer Information Form
Complete Employer Form Here - Students complete the online Student Information Form
- CCAA assesses eligibility criteria within 48 hours and contacts the Employer
- Upon approval, the Employer provides simple documents to support their application
- CCAA and the Employer sign a contract and agree to a payment schedule
new net increase in student placements clause
As specified by ESDC, the purpose of the SWPP funding is to motivate employers to increase their number of student work placements. Funding will only be provided to employers demonstrating a net increase in the number of work placements when compared to the previous year. We understand that, with the economic impact of the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is difficult for companies to gage exactly how many students will be hired within the next 12 months but we ask for a best-case-scenario approximation of your hiring plans for the future (as of the date the application is submitted).
- For instance, if your organization offered 3 student placements in the last 12 months; depending on how many placements you plan on offering within the next 12 months (from today), the CCAA would fund as of the 4th placement.
- This clause is applicable to all employers.
For more information about the CCAA Student Work Placement Program contact us.
swpp@avaerocouncil.caFor more information on the federal government's Student's Work Placement Program visit the ESDC Website here.

Take advantage of SWPP while looking for a work placement
Tell your potential employer about the Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) funding, where employers could receive generous wage subsidies of up to $5,000 in general and $7,000 for underrepresented categories per placement from the government for providing quality employment to post-secondary education students – a great incentive to hire a student like you!
Eligibility Criteria:
- Be registered as a full-time or part-time student at a Canadian post-secondary education institution.
- There is funding available for part-time and full-time students registered in programs other than STEM and business.
- Provide the employer and CCAA proof of enrollment at a Canadian post-secondary education institution.
- Be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident, or a person to whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act 2. International students, i.e. persons using a Student VISA or Work Permit, are not eligible for the SWPP funding.
- Be legally entitled to work according to the relevant provincial legislation and regulations.
- Consent to release employment information to CCAA and the Government of Canada periodically during the placement and after the end of the placement.
- Complete and sign the Student Form
Student work placement must:
- Be in position that supports the aviation and aerospace industry.
- Funding is available for full-time and part-time placements.
Tips/Important Notice:
- If you are a student interested in acquiring experience in the aviation and aerospace sector, you should connect with your PSE institution to see if placements are available.
(Note we cannot process your application unless we have received an application from your prospective host employer AND you have received an employment offer from this employer.)
How to Apply
Complete Student Form HereComplete this form if you have been told to do so by a participating SWPP employer
Need help looking for work placement?
If you are searching for a placement, you may wish to join the CCAA / Job Magnet online industry job matching service at Magnet.
For more information about the CCAA Student Work Placement Program contact us.
swpp@avaerocouncil.caFor more information on the federal government's Student's Work Placement Program visit the ESDC Website here.